Massive Volcanic Eruption in Iceland: Will it affect your travels?

Massive Volcanic Eruption in Iceland: Will it affect your travels?

A new volcanic eruption has started in Iceland, located just north of the town Grindavik, on Reykjanes Peninsula. This newest natural wonder in Iceland looks to be a massive volcanic eruption, at least compared to the most recent once in the area.

Despite being powerful and closer to population area the new volcanic eruption causes no threat to Icelanders or people visiting Iceland. Travelers are therefore perfectly safe to visit Iceland.


Air traffic unaffected

The new Iceland volcanic eruption has no effect on air traffic. No flights have been cancelled due to the eruption and it is highly unlikely it will happen, due to the nature for this eruption.

As for the roads in Iceland. Only the roads in the area close to the eruption site have been closed. That is the road from Keflavik Airport towards, Grindavik and the Blue Lagoon.

The road between Reykjavik and Keflavik Airport is open and is expected to remain open during the eruption. The same goes for all other roads in Iceland. Except for the road towards Grindavík and the Blue Lagoon, as well as roads on south Reykjanes Peninsula around Fagradalsfjall volcano.

Volcano grindavik iceland blue car rental.
Seens from the eruption site taking by the Icelandic national guards.

Not a tourist eruption yet

This volcanic eruption near Grindavik, is much larger than previous volcanic eruptions in the area, such as at Fagradalsfjall volcano, Meradalir Volcanic eruptions and the volcanic eruption at Litli Hrútur volcano.

At the moment authorities, the Icelandic police and rescue squats have closed off the area.  With these restrictions it is impossible to visit the volcano site. However due to the size of this massive volcanic eruption it is clearly visible from a great distance and from air. For those flying in and out off Iceland.

Although it is unsafe and impossible to visit the site now it is expected for the eruption to slow down over time. When that happens, it will be possible to visit and witness natures greatest display. But for now, we will have to wait and watch from a distance.

We recommend for anyone visiting Iceland, whether they are interested in seeing the volcano or not, to monitor the situation and see information from the Icelandic met office


There is a massive volcanic eruption going on in Iceland. It is not causing any danger to the public or to the vacations of those visiting Iceland. So it should not affect your travel plans for Iceland.

It is however to big and dangerous to visit now but hopefully it will slow down so people can approach it, like the previous volcanic eruptions at Reykjanes Peninsula in recent years.

If you like to learn more about volcanos in Iceland, we check out our blog on Natural Wonders and Practical Info.








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